Guidance for Model 1 ECE Classrooms

Hiring for Model 1 Classrooms

Best Practice (Option A)

  • Hire an ELA-S ECSE teacher, and;

  • Hire two Spanish-speaking Special Education paraprofessionals

If an ELA-S ECSE teacher cannot be hired (Option B)

  • Hire an ELA-S ECE teacher, and;

  • Hire 2 Spanish-speaking Special Education paraprofessionals, and;

  • Bring in an itinerant ECSE teacher to support

Note: If Option A is not possible, school leaders are required to attempt to fulfill Option B.

Placing students for Model 1 Classrooms

Option A

  • Divide students into a.m. and p.m. classrooms

  • Place students according to language (one ELA-S and one ELA-E)

Option B

  • Divide students into a.m. and p.m. classrooms

  • Place students according to language (at least one class may need to be ELA-E/S)

Examples of elementary staff who can support LAG implementation

  • ELA-S Teacher - hired through school-based budget based on number of PPF1 students

  • ESL Resource Teacher – Allocated to Elementary TNLI schools based on the number of students who speak languages other than Spanish, their level of English proficiency, and the program services offered.

  • ELA-S Paraprofessional - To tutor Spanish-speaking MLLs in ELA-S classrooms. Allocated to schools based on the number of Spanish-speaking students and their level of English proficiency.

Recommendations for K-5 ELA-S/E Classrooms

The MLE department recommends eliminating ELA-S/E classrooms whenever possible. These recommendations below are designed to support students and teachers when an ELA-S/E classroom is unavoidable. Please use the flow chart below or the accessible version to determine your options. If ELA-S/E ECE classroom designations cannot be avoided, please follow this ECE curriculum-agnostic guidance to plan for Spanish and English instruction according to the students’ PPF.